Who is Trymane?

If I am totally honest with you, for many years growing up, I had moments where I actually did feel bad about me, the insulting looks of society and each person that I encountered put something in me that made me long to be something else. To be “normal” if that really is a thing, but the truth of the matter is that I wanted to wipe away the hurt that people put on me with the stares and whispers as, if I could not see or hear.  Not understanding that a disability does not mean that you are without emotions, and for people to treat you as such, does have an effect on your psyche.  For a long time I mastered my pain by hiding it with a smile on my face for everyone to see, but deep down inside I wanted for the world to understand that I loved me and the way that I was created, and I never regretted it one bit, and I wanted them to stop their looks at me, as if my parents and I should regret the very day I was born.  What people don’t know about me is that I am a miracle, my grandmother always reminded me of that all of my life, born at twenty weeks, and just shy of the palm of one’s hand, I was sentenced to death before I even took my first breath.  But my parents, they were there and never gave up hope that I would have a full and fulfilling life.  Can I tell you something? I felt their love, and it was that love that helped me fight from those fateful words from the doctor that “even if I survive I would be a vegetable”, to the 30 year old man that is before you today.  I wasn’t supposed to live but a month, and according to them I wasn’t supposed to be able to speak, to think, to create or to dream.  According to them, I was to be sentenced to a world where I would never amount to anything, and experience nothing but immense misery and pain.  But it’s something about being counted out that makes you fight.  It something about being counted out that makes you even as a child push to be something greater than what the world expected you to be, and through the strength of my belief that I was more than my disability I decided that I would make something out of myself, not to show the world, but to prove to myself that what they say about my existence isn’t true now that I have told you about myself I’m going to ask you to join me on this journey, and always remember one thing

Just like each star is unique vet makes the universe what it is. the light in you makes vou who vou are. That's exactly who vou need to be find vour light within the stars



~Trymane The Influencer~